'Seeds/Church/Trousers’ is a work which involved an intensive period of peripatetic seed collecting in and around the Village of Fordham in which I live; For eight weeks I collected 'sweepings' from the Church Undercroft after services, carefully sorting stray seeds from the mud, dust and debris fallen from shoes and clothes. The second part of the work was based on an experiment by the botanist Sir Edward Salisbury in the 1930's; I collected the seeds which caught in my trouser turn-ups, on walks; to and from school with children, with the dog, traversing the farmer's fields, alley-ways and woodland/wetlands of my locality. The two sets of seeds were sown at midsummer and I documented the process of their growth. There grew a mix of grasses – agricultural corn and wild sedge grass from the remaining local marsh land as well as a host of wildfowers from Hawksbit to Poppies.The work plays with an archival aesthetic and includes two medium format photographs, two digital photographs and a set of 'instructions'. The work is part of the Seed-Links exhibition project at Seed Vault, Svalbard in the Norwegian Arctic.