One hundred ways to say moon
This body of work was made in the run up to the birth of my daughter, in the Blue Moon month of March 2018 and was an exercise in mapping and tracking the moons progress as it moved from one full moon to the next within the same month. During this time period I collected images of the moon; from NASA photographs to images of space detritus. The works include; a stop frame animation of moons made from cyanotype sheets left out in the snow in the middle of the Blue Moon month, A piece of writing documenting one hundred ways to say moon including colloquial and familial terms and names used by children, a handmade booklet documenting my tracking of the moons position using GPS mapping and Augmented reality technology, three NASA moon rock documentary images, a booklet made from digitally manipulated images of pieces of moon rock listed as for sale across the internet, a copy of original lyrics of the Tom Waits song 'Drunk on the Moon', a copy of Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, a miniature moon made using a 3D printer, an image of the moon taken through a dirty window and a series of moon images created from the curve of my full term pregnant belly. Shown at CREATOR’S ARTSPACE Melbourne Australia as a solo show 2018 and as part of ‘Envisioning Other Worlds’ curated by LUMEN London at RAW Labs, BOW ARTS 2019.