A performance work stemming from The 'S' project which was initially concerned with the materiality of our respective locations–( me in the Cambridgeshire Fenlands a landscape drained of water in the 18th century – and carly Butler on Vancouver Island with its overabundance of water and connected tourist cultures ) We began a postal exchange which involved carly sending me vials of seawater from various beach locations, I, in turn sent her packets of black fenland soil. Seawater was collected from a number of locations on the west coast of Vancouver Island.
In a series of performative walks across the Fens of Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire I placed a number of Canadian seawater vials and documented the filling of a fishbowl. The sites were chosen according to their histories of flooding accidents or areas at risk of breach due to rising sea levels. The sites were: Welney Washes, Ten Mile Bank, The Boston Stump, the Nene Twin Lighthouses, the Wash Sea defense, Crosskeys Bridge (Sutton Bridge) and Gedney Drove. See Locations Map Here.
Along the Washes sea defence wall and the Cross-keys Bridge Filipska also placed five knots from Butler's One Thousand Knots project (1). Performances/walks documented below as a series of medium format photographs.
A continuous 3 hour and 41 minute performance tying 1000 bowline knots. Referencing a quote from Steven Callahan's, 'Adrift: Seventy-Six Days Lost at Sea'.